
I don't make resolutions for the shop. Sure, I want to take stock (so to speak) at the end of the year: see if I made more sales than the year before, check in on #majorcases I think "should" sell better than they do, complete tag projects (all the Edgar Award finalists; all the books Bill James indexes in Popular Crime) so site search is easier. But resolutions pinned to the changing of the calendar, no.

I don't make reading resolutions, either; I have gotten better about bailing on books that aren't working for me/switching to skim mode (maybe that's why I finally finished a Goodreads challenge in 2023?), but I've also stopped trying to fight my stubborn completism. That said, life's too short (and shipping's too expensive) to spend much of it on reading you're not psyched for, so in the coming year, if you need a recommendation or buying guidance, seriously: ask me.

Really! It is free, it is what I do, it is genuinely my pleasure, and it is not tied to the expectation of a purchase. You want to buy something I recommend? Great! You end up talked out of a purchase because I already read the book and it sucked? Also fine! Not that I don't like making sales, obviously I do, but the "told" part of "true crime, told and sold" is as important at Exhibit B. as the "sold" part. Or, I guess, you can't have one without the other.

So, I'm here to help -- and that includes buying your secondhand genre materials, if you need to fundraise after a holiday shopping spree (or just clear off some TBR shelf space). More info right here, or email/open a chat window. 

A happy, safe New Year to all.

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