By Loretta Schwartz-Nobel. The Reinert case, sometimes called the Main Line Murders, was a big topic in my grandma's Bryn Mawr, PA ladies' auxiliary; I had but a dim recollection of how bonkers it got. I had ZERO recollection that it became a TV movie starring Stockard Channing and Peter "Go-To Ken Burns Narrator" Coyote.
You can hold out for Wambaugh's Echoes in the Darkness if you like, but this little paperback is more efficient IMO -- although this one appears to have been "efficient" at everything from getting caught in the garbage disposal to holding a window open; "shelfwear" kind of doesn't begin, plus a cracked/leaning/split spine, stains, scotch-tape repair jobs, the works. But if you really need a copy and really want to recycle it, this one's great!