By Edward Jay Epstein. Legend is the second of Epstein's JFK-assassination trilogy; all three were later collected into The Assassination Chronicles.
Whoever slapped a sticker over the title on the dust jacket is a sinner; this is a triumph of late-seventies cover design, garish and yet somehow elegant? The jacket shows expected rubbing and shelfwear, as shown in photos, but is relatively sturdy in the main, and the book is straight as a string. The pages are remarkably clean inside as well, with three exceptions: 1) the stamp along the bottom; 2) a previous owner's inscription; and 3) a luckless Charlotte who blundered onto p. 31 and was flattened for eternity. (It is shop policy to include whatever bookmarks et al. showed up with a book, and that includes protein (hee), but if you would like the tenant evicted prior to shipping, I am happy to oblige.)