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... And Never Let Her Go
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48 Hours Mysteries
60 Minutes and the Assassination of Werner Erhard
70 Times 7
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A Century Of Murderers
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A Day In The Life Of President Kennedy
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Assassination of JFK by Coincidence or Conspiracy?
Assassination Robert F. Kennedy
Assassination Vacation
Associated Press
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At Mother's Request
attempted murder
Attorney For The Damned
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Before He Wakes
Before I Kill More
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Ben MacIntyre
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Betrayal in Blood
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Beyond Reason
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Blood Brother
Blood Cold
Blood Evidence
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Blood in the Sand
Blood in the Snow
Blood Money
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Blood Will Out
Bloody Crimes
Blue Blood
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Bodkin Adams
Body Count
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Bones in the Desert
Bonnie and Clyde
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Bonnie Remsberg
Bonny Lee Bakley
Boone Helm
Born to be Killers
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bounty hunters
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Breaking Blue
Bret Witter
Brian "Kato" Kaelin
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Bury Me Deep
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Buzz Bissinger
By Two And Two
C.D.B. Bryan
C.L. Kelleher
Caged Heat
Caitlin Rother
Cal McCrystal
Calvin Trillin
Camouflaged Killer
Can You Ever Forgive Me?
Candace Dempsey
Candice Bergen
Candice DeLong
Cannibal Killers
Cape Cod
Capote In Kansas
Careless People
Caril Ann Fugate
Carl J. Mayer
Carl Sifakis
Carl von Cosel
Carla Bruni
Carlos de Abreu
Carlos Ghosn
Carlton Smith
Carlton Stowers
Carmina Salcido
Carol Ann Davis
Carol Baxter
Carol Cook
Carol Soret Cope
Carol Squiers
Carolyn Meyer
Carolyn Nichols
Carsten Stroud
Cary Stayner
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Carys Cragg
Case Closed
Casey Anthony
Casey Sherman
Catch and Kill
Catherine Crier
Catherine Oxenberg
Cathy Trost
Caught in the Act
celebrity defendants
Celeste Jones
Cell 2455 Death Row
Cellar of Horror
Chad Daybell
Chandra Levy
Charles A. Crenshaw
Charles Bosworth Jr.
Charles E. Shepard
Charles E. Silberman
Charles Graeber
Charles Harrelson
Charles Hatcher
Charles M. Robinson III
Charles Manson
Charles Ng
Charles Ponzi
Charles R. Swanson
Charles Samuels
Charles Sobhraj
Charles Starkweather
Charles Stuart
Charles W. Sasser
Charles Whitman
Charlotte Greig
Chasing Phil
Chaz Higgs
Cherry Mosteshar
Cheryl Pierson
Chicago Murders
Child of Satan Child of God
Chris Hobson
Chris Samnee
Chris Watts
Christa Worthington
Christian Picciolini
Christina Vella
Christine Kenneally
Christopher Charles
Christopher Cook Gilmore
Christopher Craig
Christopher Darden
Christopher Harding
Christopher Hitchens
Christopher John Boyce
Christopher Pritchard
Christopher Walker
Chuck Ashman
Chuck Giancana
Chuck Hustmyre
Chuckie O'Brien
church shenanigans
CIA: Crime Incorporated of America
Cindy Lynn Ray
Circumstantial Evidence
Citizen Jane
City of Devils
Clare Bucknell
Clarence Darrow
Clark Howard
Clark Rockefeller
Claudia Yasko
Claus Von Bülow
Clay Blair Jr.
Cleveland Murders
Cliff Howe
Clifford L. Linedecker
Clifford Robert Olson
Clint Willis
Close Pursuit
Closing Time
Clyde Barrow
Code 33
cold cases
Cold Kill
Cole Thompson
Colin Beavan
Colin Evans
Colin Wilson
Collision Course
Combating Crime In The United States
comic books
compelling covers
Computer Capers
Confessions of an Ex-Secret Service Agent
Confronting Crime
Connie Fletcher
cons and frauds
Constitutional Law and the Criminal Justice System
Contract Killer
Controlling White Collar Crime
cop life
Cop Shot
Corey Mitchell
Coroner At Large
corporate malfeasance
Corpus Delicti
Corrido de Cocaine
Cosa Nostra
Court TV
Craig A. Lewis
Craig Rice
Crazy For You
Crazy Joe Gallo
Crazy Laws
Crime & Human Nature
Crime Beat
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Crimes & Chaos
Crimes & Misdeeds
Crimes & Trials of the Century Volume Two
Crimes Of New York
Crimes of the Centuries
Criminal Evidence
Criminal Law
Criminal Profile
Criminal Violence Criminal Justice
Crooked Brooklyn
Crooked Snake
Cruel Doubt
Curt Gentry
Curtis Sliwa
Curtis Wilkie
Cutter Wood
Cynthia Albrecht
Cynthia Ann Parker
Cynthia Brown
Cynthia Fagen
Cynthia L. Cooper
Cynthia Stalter Sassé
Cyntoia Brown-Long
Cyril Wecht
D.T. Hughes
Dag Hammarskjöld
Dale Hudson
Dallas 1963
Damian Inwood
Damon Wilson
Dan Abrams
Dan E. Moldea
Dan Mitrione
Dan Rather
Dan Reed
Dan Tyler Moore
Dan White
Dan Wise
Dana Lee Thomas
Dana Sue Gray
Dance of Death
Dancing With Death
Dangerous Doses
Dangerous Evidence
Daniel Boone
Daniel Craig
Daniel J. Patinkin
Daniel Keyes
Daniel Stashower
Danny O. Coulson
Darci Pierce
Darcy O'Brien
Dark Dreams
Dark Obsession
Darker Than Night
Darryl London
Dashka Slater
Dave Cullen
Dave Dave
Dave Distel
Dave Fisher
David "Stringbean" Akeman
David A. Gibb
David Ashforth
David Berg
David Berkowitz
David Boodell
David Burckhalter
David C. Brody
David Crow
David Dominé
David Everitt
David Fisher
David Franke
David Grann
David Hendricks
David Howard
David Jacobs
David James Smith
David Kaiser
David Kocieniewski
David L. Carlson
David Letterman
David Mamet
David McClintick
David McElligott
David Mehnert
David Milch
David Nelson
David Owen
David Parrish
David Pietrusza
David Simon
David Toma
David von Drehle
David W. Maurer
David Wayne
David Williams
David Wright (not that one)
Dawn Ashforth
Dayna Curry
DB Cooper
Dead and Gone
Dead Man Walking
Dead Men Do Tell Tales
Dead Reckoning
Dead Wrong
Deadly Deceit
Deadly Goals
Deadly Illusions
Deadly Kin
Deadly Medicine
Deadly Secrets
Deadly Weekend
Dean Milo
Deanie Mills
Dear Husband
Death at Chappaquiddick
Death in a Fishpond
Death In The Family...The Mafia Way
Death of a "Jewish American Princess"
Death of a Doctor
Death Of An Actress
Death of an Angel
Death of Innocence
Death on the River
Death Trap
death-penalty fights
Debbie Dortzbach
Debbie Kline
Debbie M. Price
Debbie Morris
Deborah Blum
Decades of Doubt
Dena Kleiman
Denise Huskins
Denise Redlick
Dennis Farina
Dennis McDougal
Dennis Nilsen
Derek Bentley
Derek Regensburger
Derf Backderf
Desire Turned Deadly
Det. Bill Clark
Detroit Murders
Diana B. Henriques
Diana Montané
Diana Rickard
Diana Trilling
Diane Clehane
Diane Fanning
Diane Pikul
Diane Rapaport
Diane Wagner
Dick Hill
Dick Hyman
Dick Russell
Dictionary of Legal Terms
Did They Really Do It?
Did You Hear What Eddie Gein Done?
Diplomatic Crime
Dominick Dunne
Don & Susie Van Ryn
Don Davis
Don Gentile
Don Lasseter
Don Stradley
Don W. Weber
Donald "Tony the Greek" Frankos
Donald Bashor
Donald G. Bross
Donald Goddard
Donald H. Wolfe
Donald Hume
Donald Neilson
Donald Powell Wilson
Donald Rumbelow
Donald Trump
Donnie Brasco: Deep Cover
Donovan X. Ramsey
Dorothy Kilgallen
Dorothy Sayers
Double Cross
Double Deal
Double Play
Doug Most
Douglas G Browne
Douglas Preston
Douglas Ubelaker
Dr. Benjamin Gilmer
Dr. George Hill Hodel
Dr. Vince Gilmer
Dreams from the Monster Factory
Drew Peterson
Drugs What They Are
Drums & Demons
Duane "Dog" Chapman
Duncan Spencer
Dungeons & Dragons panic
Dwight Eisenhower
Dying To Get Married
Dylan Klebold
Earl Bohn
Earle Leonard Nelson
Easy Money
Ed Asner
Ed Caesar
Ed Gein
Ed Reid
Eddie Lee Sexton
Eddie Murphy
Eddie Wyatt
Edgar Allan Poe
Edgar finalists
Edgar Lustgarten
Edgar Smith
Edie Gibson
Edmund M. Morgan
Edmund Perry
Edna Buchanan
Edward Byrne
Edward Conlon
Edward D. Radin
Edward F. Connolly
Edward Humes
Edward Hymoff
Edward Jay Epstein
Edward Keyes
Edward Xavier Kennedy
Edwin Raymond
Egil "Bud" Krogh
Eileen Franklin
Eileen Ross
El Narco
Elaine Shannon
Eliot Ness
Eliot Ness and the Mad Butcher
Eliot Spitzer
Elisabeth T. Vasko
Elissa Wall
Elizabeth DeCaro
Elizabeth Flock
Elizabeth Holmes
Elizabeth Kendall
Elizabeth Short
Elizabeth Smart
Ellen Boehm
Ellen Harris
Ellen McGarrahan
Elliott Currie
Elliott Leyton
Ellis A. Cohen
Ellis Henican
Elmira Star-Gazette
Elon Green
Elvira Barney
Emily Brady
Emily Craig
Emily Lloyd
Emlyn Williams
Emma Copley Eisenberg
Emmanuel Carrere
Emmett Till
Engaged to Murder
Ephraim Katz
Eric Borsuk
Eric Francis
Eric Powell
Eric van Hoffmann
Eric Wilson
Erik Larson
Erik Menendez
Erin Arvedlund
Erle Stanley Gardner
Ernest Tidyman
Ernest Volkman
Errol Morris
Escape from the CIA
Ethan Brown
Eugene B. Block
Eugène-François Vidocq
Eve Lazarus
Evelyn Lincoln
Evelyn Nesbit
Evening's Empire
Every Woman's Nightmare
Evidence Dismissed
Evidence For The Crown
Evidence Of Murder
Evidence Of Things Seen
Evil Angels
Evil Beside Her
Evil Empire
Evil Next Door
Evil Twins
expert testimony
F. Lee Bailey
F. Scott Fitzgerald
Facts On File Crime Library
Fair Game
Faith Jones
Fallen Hero
Families Who Kill
family affairs
Family Blood
Famous Crimes Revisited
famous lawyers
Farrah Fawcett
Faryion Wardrip
Fatal Ambition
Fatal Analysis
Fatal Justice
Fatal Romance
Fatal Vows
Father of the Year
Fear of our Father
featured artist
Feet of Clay
Felix Polk
Female Serial Killers
fictitious disorder
Fidel Castro
Film Threat
Final Analysis
Finding Amy
fine arts
First They Killed My Father
Flight of the Diamond Smugglers
fonts of yesteryear
For A Mother's Love
For My Angel
For The Defense
For The Thrill Of It
Forensic Detective
Forensics What Bugs
Forever And Five Days
Forgiving the Dead Man Walking
Forty Years of Murder
Four Days
Francis X. Busch
Frank Abagnale
Frank Gannon
Frank Howard
Frank Minucci
Frank Serpico
Frank Swertlow
Frankie Y. Bailey
Fred Bost
Fred Rosen
Frederick Drimmer
Frederick West
Free Cyntoia
Friendly Fire
Fritz Klenner
From Caesar To The Mafia
From Cradle to Grave
G. Gordon Liddy
Gail Abbott Zimmerman
Gang Mom
Gangs & Gangsters
Gangster Women
Garden of Graves
Garry Wills
Gary C. King
Gary Craig
Gary Gilmore
Gary Heidnik
Gary Kinder
Gary Noesner
Gary Provost
gateway cases
Gay Gibson
Gene Mustain
Gene Smith
Genealogy of a Murder
Genene Jones
Genore Guillory
Geoffrey Bocca
Geoffrey Cowan
Geoffrey Gray
Geoffrey O'Brien
Geoffrey Wansell
George Appel
George Barton
George Carpozi Jr.
George Childs Kohn
George Clooney
George Fetherling
George Gordon Coughlin
George Grant
George H.W. Bush
George Kelly Barnes
George Koval
George Lardner Jr.
George McKeon
George Moscone
George Parkman
George Polk
George Rush
Georges Lemay
Gera-Lind Kolarik
Gerald Posner
Gerold Frank
Gerry Spence
Gertrude Baniszewski
Ghost of the Innocent Man
Ghosts of the Orphanage
Giampiero Ambrosi
Gianni Versace
Gideon’s Spies
gift card
Ginny Foat
Gisele Bundchen
Glenn Puit
Globe magazine
Globe Mini Mag
Going Clear
Goldie Guttenberg
Good Cop Bad Cop
Gordon Burn
Gordon Parks
Gordon Thomas
Gorgeous Disaster
Graham Chester
Graham Rayman
Grant M. Whitus
graphic novels
Grave Secrets
Great Cases of Scotland Yard
Greed Killers
Greg Aunapu
Gregg Ivers
Gregg Lewis
Gregg Olsen
Gregory White Smith
Gretchen Morgenson
Gus Garcia-Roberts
Guy Blews
Guy Calissi
Gwyneth Paltrow
Gypsy Rose Blancharde
H.H. Holmes
Halfway Heaven
Hampton Sides
Hank Messick
Hanna Rosin
Hans Greimel
Hardboiled Hollywood
Harlan Halsey
Harley Rustad
Harold Blumenfeld
Harold Mehling
Harold Schechter
Harold Weisberg
Harrison Ford
Harry Farrell
Harry Golden
Harry N. MacLean
Harry Oakes
Harry Thaw
Harvey and Jeannette Crewe
Harvey Aronson
Harvey Milk
Harvey Rachlin
Harvey Weinstein
Hastened To The Grave
Havana Nocturne
Hawley Harvey Crippen
Heather Mercer
Heather Wendorf
Heiress Rebel Vigilante Bomber
Helen Prejean
Helen Thomson
Hell Hath No Fury
Helle Crafts
Hellhound On His Trail
Henry A. Zeiger
Henry E. Scott
Henry Lee
Henry Lee Lucas
Henry M. Hunt
Henry Morshead
Henry Scammell
Henry Stewart
Henry Thomas
Henry Zebrowski
Herbert Asbury
Herbert G. Dorsey III
Herbert Leon MacDonell
heritage media
Herman Tarnower
Heroin Was My Best Friend
Hidden Evidence
Hide In Plain Sight
High Crimes & Misdemeanors
High Crimes and Misdemeanors
Hilary Fitzgerald Campbell
Hilary Swank
Hillel Levin
Hit #29
Hoffa's Man
Hooked Up For Murder
Hoover vs. the Kennedys
Hoover's FBI
Hortense Gabel
hot off the press
House of Cards
House of Lies
House of Secrets
How America Lost Its Secrets
How Angels Die
How to Catch a Russian Spy
How to Try a Murder
Howard Blum
Howard Fields
Howard Hughes
Howard R. Lemcke
Howard Unruh
Howie Carr
Hugh Aynesworth
Hugh C. McDonald
Hugh Miller
Hugh Sidey
Hunt to Kill
Hunting Charles Manson
Hunting Humans
Hunting Humans Volume 1
Hunting The Devil
Husband Lover Spy
I Have Lived In The Monster
I Want To Tell You
I Wish You Didn't Know My Name
I'd Kill For You
I'll Be Gone In The Dark
Ian Brady
Ian Graham
If I Am Missing or Dead
If Looks Could Kill
If You Really Loved Me
If You Tell
Impact Statement
In A Child's Name
In Cold Blood
In Contempt
In Her Own Backyard
In Hoffa's Shadow
In Light Of All Darkness
In My Father's Name
In Plain Sight
In Search Of The Lindbergh Baby
In The Fast Lane
In the Still of the Night
In Vino Duplicitas
In With The Devil
Incident At Big Sky
Incredible Captures
Indecent Exposure
Indecent Secrets
indigenous stories
Infamous Murderers
Innocence Lost
Innocent Blood
Inside Rikers
Inside the Criminal Mind
Inside the Judicial Process
Inside The Mind Of Scott Peterson
Inspector Oldfield and the Black Hand Society: America's Original Gangsters and the U.S. Postal Detective Who Brought Them to Justice
international cases
internet peril
Into The Water
intriguing blurbs
Investigation Discovery
Invisible Eden
Invitation to a Murder
Ioan Grillo
Irene Pence
Irresistible Impulse
Irving S. Abrams
Irving Shulman
Israel Keyes
Ivanka Trump
Ivy crime
J. Edgar Hoover
J. Gary Shaw
J. North Conway
J. Scott Harr
J.H.H. Gaute
J.T. Henshaw
Jacine Gielinski
Jack "Legs" Diamond
Jack Breslin
Jack Evseroff
Jack Goldsmith
Jack House
Jack Humphrey
Jack Levin
Jack Newfield
Jack Olsen
Jack Pearl
Jack Ruby
Jack the Ripper
Jack the Ripper and the Case for Scotland Yard's Prime Suspect
Jack The Ripper The Mystery Solved
Jack Webb
Jackie Kennedy
Jackie Speier
Jacob Silverman
Jacqueline Bouvier Kennedy Onassis
Jacques Mesrine
Jafsie Tells All!
James A. Jack
James B. Stewart
James Baldwin
James Berry
James Bulger
James D. Horan
James Dalessandro
James Deakin
James Earl Ray
James Ellroy
James Fox
James Gandolfini
James Garfield
James Hanratty
James Keene
James L. Swanson
James Lardner
James Maybrick
James Patterson
James Q. Wilson
James R. Acker
James R. Phelan
James Renner
James Risen
James Surowiecki
James Thurber
James Willwerth
James Wolcott
Jamie Foxx
Jana Bommersbach
Jane Ann Turzillo
Jane Pejsa
Jane Self
Janet Malcolm
Janet Parker Beck
Janice Pennington
Janie Shepherd
Janine Latus
Jared Kushner
Jarrett Hallcox
Jason Moss
Jason Yamas
Jay Robert Nash
Jay S. Cohen
Jayne Garcia Valseca
JD Tippit
Jean Harlow
Jeanira Ratcliffe
Jeannie McDonough
Jeff Ashton
Jeff Coen
Jeff Guinn
Jeff McArthur
Jeff Rovin
Jeff Snipes
Jefferson Davis
Jefferson Morgan
Jeffrey Epstein
Jeffrey Good
Jeffrey Kottler
Jeffrey MacDonald
Jeffrey Toobin
Jenna Miscavige Hill
Jennifer Cave
Jennifer S. Hirsch
Jennifer Segal Diascro
Jennifer Wynn
Jens Hansen
Jeremy Bamber
Jerrie Cobb
Jerry Allen Potter
Jerry Bledsoe
Jerry Capeci
Jerry Labriola
Jerry Langton
Jerry Oppenheimer
Jerry Schmetterer
Jerry Speziale
Jess Walter
Jesse James Hollywood
Jesse Pomeroy
Jesse Ventura
Jessica Doyle
Jessica Simpson
Jewish Law In American Tribunals
JFK Conspiracy of Silence
JFK: Boyhood To White House
Jill Nelson
Jim Bishop
Jim Cosgrove
Jim Fisher
Jim Schutze
Jimmie Ray Slaughter
Jimmy Breslin
Jimmy Dale Taylor
Jimmy Hoffa
Jimmy The King
Jimmy The Weasel Fratianno
Jo Durden Smith
Joan Barthel
Joan Blair
Joan Kennedy
Joan Noble Pinkham
Joan Robinson Hill
Joaquin "Jack" Garcia
Joe Domanick
Joe Exotic
Joe McGinniss
Joe Pistone
Joe Pompeo
Joe Sharkey
Joe Urschel
Joe Valachi
Joel J. Schwartz
Joel Norris
Joel Rifkin
Joel Selvin
Joey Gallo
John & Patsy Ramsey
John Bartlow Martin
John Berendt
John Blay-Miezah
John Bryson
John Buntin
John Carreyrou
John Christie
John Colapinto
John Connolly
John Coston
John Cummings
John Dale Cavaness
John Dickie
John Dillinger
John Dillmann
John Donnelly
John Douglas
John Du Pont
John Earls
John F. Condon
John F. Kennedy President
John F. Timoney
John Florio
John George Haigh
John Glatt
John Gotti
John Greenya
John Grisham
John H. Davis
John Heilemann
John Hughes
John Irwin
John Kobler
John L. Smith
John List
John M. Carroll
John Marlowe
John Merriman
John Montague
John Mortimer
John Philpin
John Taylor
John Tower
John Turner
John Walsh
John Walsh (different one)
John Wayne Bobbitt
John Wayne Gacy
John White Webster
John Wilkes Booth
John William Clouser
Johnnie L. Cochran Jr.
Johnny Depp
Johnny France
Jon Bellini
Jon Billman
Jon Ferry
Jon Jefferson
Jon Krakauer
Jon Land
Jon Sternfeld
Jonah Hill
Jonathan Coleman
Jonathan Goodman
Jonathan Gregson
Jonathan Harr
Jonathan J. Moore
Jonathan Kellerman
JonBenét Ramsey
Jonn G. Christian
Joseph (Joe) Franco
Joseph A. Varon
Joseph Bonanno
Joseph D. Pistone
Joseph DiMona
Joseph F. O'Brien
Joseph Henry Jackson
Joseph Hosey
Joseph K. Loughlin
Joseph Kennedy Jr.
Joseph Kennedy Sr.
Joseph Maldonado-Passage
Joseph S. Cummins
Joseph W. Brown
Joseph Wambaugh
Josh Levin
Joshua Armstrong
Joshua Rosner
Journey Into Darkness
Journey To Justice
Joy Aylor
Joyce Carol Oates
Joyce Egginton
Joyce Vanderveen
Juan Corona
Judgment Day
Judith Adler Hennessee
Judith Kennedy
Judith Light
Judy Shepard
Julia Roberts
Julia Wallace
Julian Assange
Julian Symons
Juliana Buhring
Julie Roy
just get a divorce
Just Mercy
Justice For Jack
Justice On Demand
Justin Alexander Shetler
Justin Bieber
Karen Blumenthal
Karen Gravano
Kari Blakinger
Kari Swenson
Karl Dortzbach
Karl Fontenot
Karl Harter
Kate Clark Flora
Kate Clifford Larson
Katherine Anne Porter
Katherine Dykstra
Katherine Eban
Katherine Heigl
Katherine Ramsland
Kathleen Hale
Kathleen Peterson
Kathryn Casey
Kathryn Harrison
Kathryn Joyce
Kathryn Miles
Kathy Braidhill
Kathy Reichs
Kati Marton
Kato Kaelin The Whole Truth
Katy Perry
Keith Ablow
Keith Raniere
Keith Russell Ablow
Keith Simpson
Kelley Cannon
Kelly Moore
Ken Bianchi
Ken Englade
Ken Hurwitz
Ken McElroy
Ken Silverstein
Kennedy Justice
Kennedy's Avenger
Kenneth Bianchi
Kenneth Gross
Kenneth L. Peiffer Jr.
Kenneth Starr
Kenny "Kenji" Gallo
Kent State
Kent Walker
Kent Whitaker
Kermit Alexander
Kerrie Droban
Kevin Davis
Kevin Deutsch
Kevin F. McMurray
Kevin Flynn
Kevin J. Mullen
Kid McCoy
Kieran Crowley
Kierra Sondereker
Kill For Me
Killer Dad
Killer on Campus
Killer Spy
Killer Teens
Killer with a Badge
Killing Kennedy
Killing Time
Kim Cross
Kim Philby
Kitty Genovese
Kosta Fotopoulous
Kris Radish
Kristen Stewart
Kristina Jones
Kristopher "KC" Clarke
Kushner Inc.
Kären M. Hess
L. Ewing Scott
L.A. Noir
La Vonne Skalias
Lacey Fosburgh
Laci Peterson
Lacy Crawford
Ladies Who Kill
Lake Headley
Landis Blair
Language of Evil
large print
Larkin Warren
Larry Attebery
Larry Sells
Larry Swartz
Las Vegas
Last Call
Last Words
Laura Foreman
Laurence Leamer
Laurie Dann
Laurie Sandell
Law & Disorder
Law & Order topics
Law Dictionary
law enforcement
Lawrence D. Klausner
Lawrence Schiller
Lawrence Taylor
Lawrence Van Gelder
Lawrence Wright
Lawrencia "Bambi" Bembenek
Leah Sottile
Lee Benson
Lee Butcher
Lee Harvey Oswald
Lee Israel
legislation milestones
Leigh Montville
Lenny Bruce
Leo Damore
Leo Frank
Leonard Levitt
Leonard Territo
Leroy Hayman
Leslie Margolin
Leslie Seppinni
Leslie Walker
Leslie Waller
Lester David
Let Justice Be Done
Leta McCollough Seletzky
Lethal Charmer
Lethal Guardian
Lethal Intent
Lethal Lolita
Lewis Chester
libraries are magic
Lieth von Stein
life during wartime
Life for Death
Life magazine
Life Plus 99 Years
Like Father Like Son
Lillian Hellman
Linda A. Fairstein
Linda Rosencrance
Linda Saslow
Linda Wolfe
Lindsay Lohan
Lindy Chamberlain
Lines & Shadows
Lionel Bascom
Lis Wiehl
Lisa Belkin
Lisa Bonnice
Lisa Pulitzer
Lisa Steinberg
Little Demon in the City of Light
Little Man
Lizzie Borden
Lizzie Borden The Untold Story
Lois Duncan
Lois Gibson
Lois Jones
Look magazine
Lord Lucan
Lord Maugham
Lorena Bobbitt
Lorenzo Carcaterra
Loretta Schwartz-Nobel
Lori Hacking
Lori Vallow
Los Angeles
Los Angeles Murders
Losing Jon
Lost Girls
Lost In The Valley Of Death
Lou Raguse
Louis Eppolito
Louis Joughin
Louis LePrince
Louise Samuels
Loung Ung
Love and Death in the Sunshine State
Love Gone Wrong
Love Me or I’ll Kill You
Love Me To Death
love quadrangle
love triangle
Lovejoy Boteler
Lovers Killers Husbands and Wives
Love’s Blood
Loving Natalee
Lowell Cauffiel
Lt. Ray Biondi
Lucky Luciano
Lucy Freeman
Ludovic Kennedy
Luigi Barzini
Lullaby and Goodnight
Lyle Menendez
Lyn Riddle
Lynda Mann
Lynda Milito
Lyndon Johnson
Lyndon Stambler
Lyndsie Ferrara
Lynn Chandler-Willis
Lynn Distel
M. Bridget Cook
M. William Phelps
M.A. Frasca
M.G. Bonner
Machine Gun Kelly
Madness Under the Royal Palms
Madoff With The Money
Mafia Dynasty
Mafia Princess
Mafia USA
Mafia Wife
Maggie Nelson
major case
Making Jack Falcone
Malcolm Beith
Malcolm Gladwell
Malcolm McConnell
Mallika Rao
Manhattan North Homicide
Manly Wade Wellman
Manuel M. Estrella Jr.
Marc Dreier
Marc Eliot
Marcia Chellis
Marcia Clark
Marcus Parks
Margalit Fox
Margaret Press
Margie Porter
Maria Cramer
Maria Eftimiades
Maria Flook
Maria Marshall
Mariah Fredericks
Marie Brenner
Marie F. Rodell
Marie Hilley
Marie Ragghianti
Marie Rothenberg
Marietta Maxfield
Marilyn Hoffer
Marilyn Monroe
Marina and Lee
Marina Oswald
Mario Puzo
Mario Spezi
Marion Collins
maritime law
Mark Arax
Mark Baker
Mark Bowden
Mark Curriden
Mark Ebner
Mark Fuhrman
Mark Haworth-Booth
Mark Hofmann
Mark Horner
Mark Lane
Mark Olshaker
Mark Pettit
Mark R. Levin
Mark Rudd
Mark Sabljak
Mark Schone
Mark Seal
Mark Tabb
Mark Twitchell
Mark Urban
Marked Man
Married to Murder
Marrying The Hangman
Marshall Houts
Martha Brailsford
Martha Moxley
Martin Blinder
Martin Cahill
Martin Dugard
Martin Garbus
Martin H. Greenberg
Martin L. Forst
Martin Luther King Jr.
Martin Obler
Martin Roth
Martin Scorsese
Marty Goddard
Marvin J. Wolf
Marvin Weinstein
Mary Haverstick
Mary Jo Kopechne
Mary Murphy
Mary Phagan
Mary Rogers
Mary Ryzuk
Mary Surratt
Massacre At The Palace
Matt Birkbeck
Matt Damon
Matthew Gavin Frank
Matthew Hart
Matthew Krogh
Matthew O'Brien
Matthew Randazzo V
Matthew Shepard
Maura Murray
Maureen Callahan
Maureen Orth
Maury Terry
Max Allan Collins
Max Decharne
Mean Justice
medical malpractice
Megan Abbott
Megan Kanka
Mel Ayton
Mel Heimer
Mel White
Melanie Thernstrom
Melvin Belli
Men In Black
Meredith Kercher
Meryl Streep
meta commentary
Meyer Lansky
Michael Benson
Michael Brett
Michael Browning
Michael Cannell
Michael Corbitt
Michael D. Kelleher
Michael Douglas
Michael Ewing
Michael Fleeman
Michael Hobbes
Michael Jackson
Michael Kinsley
Michael Kurland
Michael Lasker
Michael Levin
Michael Lewis
Michael Lista
Michael M. Baden M.D.
Michael Mewshaw
Michael Newton
Michael Peterson
Michael Philbin
Michael R. Perry
Michael Schulman
Michael Skakel
Michael Swango
Michael Vecchione
Michele Launders
Michele R. McPhee
Michele Samit
Michelle Dean
Michelle McNamara
Mickey Rooney
midcentury zeitgeist
Midnight Express
Midnight in Sicily
Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil
Miguel Ferrer
Mikal Gilmore
Mike Cochran
Mike Cox
Mike Dash
Mike DeBardeleben
Mike Farrell
Mike Harvkey
Mike McAlary
Mike Sorrentino
Mike Tyson
Mike Weiss
Milt Bearden
Milton H. Helpern
Milton J. Shapiro
Milton J. Silverman
Minister Of Death
Miriam Allen deFord
Miryam Ehrlich Williamson
Miss Lizzie
Missing Beauty
Missing Person
Mistaken Identity
Mistrial of the Century
Misty Bernall
Mitchell Hooks
Mitchell Symons
Mixology And Murder
Mob Daughter
Mob Star
Mockery of Justice
Moira Martingale
Molly Bloom
Molly Lefebure
Molly's Game
Mom Dad Mike and Pattie
Mommy's Little Girl
Money Of Their Own
Mordecai Dzikansky
Most Likely To Succeed
Most Wanted
Most Wanted Killer
Mostly Murder
Mother Love Deadly Love
Mother on Trial
Mother's Day
Mrs. Harris
Murder America
Murder Among The Mighty
Murder At 75 Birch
Murder at Harvard
Murder Book
Murder By Family
Murder by Milkshake
Murder Casebook
murder for hire
Murder in Brentwood
Murder In Canaryville
Murder In Greenwich
Murder In Grosse Pointe Park
Murder In Hollywood
Murder in Italy
Murder in Little Egypt
Murder in Muncy Creek
Murder in Paradise
Murder In The 4th Estate
Murder in the Heartland
Murder Most Rare
Murder of Innocence
Murder on Shadow Mountain
Murder One
Murder So Cold
Muriel Gardiner
Muriel McKay
Murray Teigh Bloom
My 6 Convicts
My Father's House
My Friend Anna
My Twelve Years With John F. Kennedy
Myra Hindley
Nancy Billiter
Nancy Grace
Nancy Jo Sales
Nancy Mitford
Nancy Schwartzman
Natalee Holloway
Natalie Robins
Natasha Stoynoff
Nate Hendley
Nathan Leopold Jr.
National Enquirer
National Examiner
national parks
Naveed Jamali
Needle Work
Nellie Bly
Never Enough
Never Guilty Never Free
Never Let Them See You Cry
new 'n' notable
New Hampshire
New Jersey
New Mexico
New Orleans
New Times
New York City
New York Magazine
New York Notorious
New York State
Nicholas Dawidoff
Nicholas Gage
Nicholas Maier
Nicholas Pileggi
Nick Yapp
Nicola Sacco
Nicole Weisensee Egan
Nigel Blundell
Nightmare in Napa
Nine Lives
No Heroes
No Matter How Loud I Shout
No Mercy
No Sanctuary
Noel Behn
Nora Zelevansky
Norman Chandler
Norman Larzelere
Norman Mailer
North Carolina
North Dakota
Not Lost Forever
Not Without My Daughter
Not Without My Sister
Notable American Trials
Notes on a Silencing
notorious legal strategies
November 22
NYPD Confidential
O. Henry
O.J. Simpson
Of Murder And Madness
Ohio Heists
OJ Simpson
Old Sleuth
Oleg Maximovich Nechiporenko
Oliver Weld Bayer
Olivia Lanae
On The Job
Once Upon a Time
One Dark Night
Only Murders in the Building
Open and Shut
Open Secrets
Operation Mincemeat
organized crime
Original Gangstas
Osama bin Laden
Oscar Fraley
Otis H. Gaylord
Otto Penzler
Ouisie Shapiro
Our Guys
Outside magazine
Over Dose
Over The Edge
Ovid Demaris
Owen LaFave
owner rec
Paddy Whacked
Pagan Kennedy
Pamela Colloff
Pamela Trescott
Parker & Hulme
Partners In Evil
Passport To Assassination
Pat Forman
Patricia A. Martinelli
Patricia Cline Cohen
Patricia Cornwell
Patricia Springer
Patrick Henry Cronin
Patrick Marnham
Patrick Radden Keefe
Patsy Heymans
Patti McCracken
Patty Hearst
Paul Bern
Paul Einstein
Paul Fischer
Paul French
Paul Harrison
Paul Hoffman
Paul Holes
Paul Holmes
Paul John Knowles
Paul LaRosa
Paul Lonardo
Paul Pringle
Paul Rudd
Paul Schwartzman
Paul Williams
Paul Wilson
Paula Cooper
Paula Oberbroeckling
Pearl S. Buck
Peggy Bailey
Peggy Murphy Widder
Penelope Cruz
Penina Spiegel
Perfect Murder Perfect Town
Perry Smith
Pete Earley
Peter A. Micheels
Peter Brennan
Peter Christian Barrie
Peter Conradi
Peter Deeley
Peter Diapoulos
Peter Elkind
Peter Evans
Peter Gailiunas
Peter Haining
Peter Hellman
Peter Kane
Peter Maas
Peter Manuel
Peter Meyer
Peter Packer
Peter Robb
Peter S. Greenberg
Peter Sutcliffe
Peter Vronsky
Peter Zablocki
Phil Hirsch
Phil LaMarr
Phil Spector
Philip Carlo
Philip E. Ginsburg
Philip Lerman
Philip Rosenberg
Philip Vannatter
Phyllis Chesler
Plausible Denial
Poe The Detective
Poison Farm
Poison Mind
Poisoned Blood
Poisoned Dreams
Poisoned Love
Police Administration
Police Brutality
Police Pictures
Policing the Black Man
political murder
political science
Polly Klaas
Popular Crime
Portrait of a Killer
Portrait of a Monster
Precious Victims
President Kennedy Has Been Shot
Presidential Scandals
Presumed Guilty
Prince Of The City
Priscilla Johnson McMillan
prison breaks
Prison Groupies
prison life
Prisoners At The Bar
Prisoners of Fear
Prisoners of Hope
private dickery
Pro Bono
Prohibition tales
Prophet Of Death
Pros and Cons
Psycho Killers
Public Enemies
Pulling The Chariot Of The Sun
Pure Cop
Quentin Reynolds
questionable cover choices
questioning the taste level
R. Robin McDonald
R.A. Scotti
R.D. Rosen
R.W. Apple
Rabia Chaudry
Race To Justice
Rachel Aviv
Rachel DeLoache Williams
Rachel Monroe
racial justice
Ralph G. Martin
Randall Adams
Randall Batinkoff
Randall Sullivan
Randall Turner
Randolph Franklin Dial
Randy Sutton
Rap Sheet
Ravi Somaiya
Ray Black
Ray Gibson
Raymond W. Kelly
Reader's Digest
Reader's Digest True Crime Volume 2
Ready for the Defense
real-estate shenanigans
Reality Check
Reasonable Doubt
Rebecca H. Dartt
Rebecca Musser
Reckless Endangerment
Reclaiming Science
Reg Potterton
Regina Twigg
Remembering America
Remo Franceschini
Rena Pederson
requiem for a female serial killer
Restless Souls
Reubin Askew
Reuven Blau
Reversal of Fortune
Reza Riva'i
RFK His Life And Death
Rhode Island
Rhonda B. Saunders
Rich Cohen
Richard Alan Simmons
Richard Belzer
Richard Charnin
Richard Esposito
Richard Glyn Jones
Richard H. Rovere
Richard Hammer
Richard Hickock
Richard J. Herrnstein
Richard Kuklinski
Richard L. Tedrow
Richard Loeb
Richard Lourie
Richard M. Levine
Richard Marvin
Richard Monaco
Richard N. Goodwin
Richard Nixon
Richard Platt
Richard Price
Richard Ramirez
Richard Rashke
Richard Shears
Richard Speck
Richard T. Pienciak
Richard W. Poston
Richard Whittington-Egan
Richie Diener
Rick Geary
Rick MacLean
Rick Nelson
Rick Reed
Ringers & Rascals
Rita Dallas
Rites of Burial
Road Kill
Rob Lowe
Rob Marshall
Rob Polner
Robert A. Hutchison
Robert A. Phillips Jr.
Robert B. Baer
Robert Beattie
Robert Berdella
Robert Blake
Robert Charles Browne
Robert Colby
Robert D. Keppel
Robert D. McCrie
Robert Daley
Robert Deitz
Robert Durst
Robert E. Hanlon
Robert F. Kennedy
Robert F. Kennedy Jr.
Robert F. Kennedy The Myth And The Man
Robert Fitzpatrick
Robert Graysmith
Robert H. Montgomery
Robert Hanssen
Robert House
Robert J. Donovan
Robert J. Joling
Robert John Peernock
Robert K. Ressler
Robert K. Tanenbaum
Robert Kennedy
Robert Kerbeck
Robert Kolker
Robert L. Shapiro
Robert Lacey
Robert Lindsey
Robert M. Edsel
Robert Mayer
Robert Mazur
Robert Mladinich
Robert Newsom III
Robert Opel
Robert Rand
Robert Sam Anson
Robert Scott
Robert Slater
Robert Sullivan
Robert Tanenbaum
Robert V. Cox
Robert Vesco
Robert W. Greene
Robert W. Taylor
Roberta Lee
Roberto Calvi
Robin Benedict
Robin Gaby Fisher
Robin Odell
Rod Leith
Rodney Castleden
Rodney King
Roemer: Man Against the Mob
Roger A. Bruns
Roger Boar
Roger Ebert
Roger L. Depue
Roger M. Williams
Rogues' Gallery
Roll Red Roll
Rolling Stone
Ron Bradford
Ron Forman
Ron Franscell
Ron LaBrecque
Ron Williamson
Ron Winslow
Ronald "Gene" Simmons
Ronald Kessler
Ronald Markman
Ronald Ryan
Ronan Farrow
Rope Burns
Rose Dugdale
Rose Fitzgerald Kennedy
Rose G. Mandelsberg
Rose Kennedy
Rosemary Sullivan
Roxana Ferllini
Roxanna Asgarian
Roy d'Autremont
Roy Fontaine
Roy Hazelwood
Roy Radin
Rozanne Gailiunas
Rudolph Giuliani
Rudolph Valentino
Run Brother Run
Runaway Father
Running Scared
Running with the Devil
Rupert Murdoch
Rush to Judgment
Russell Williams
Ruth Rendell
Ruth Snyder
Ryan Green
S.J. Perelman
S.R. Reynolds
Sacco And Vanzetti
Sacco Vanzetti
Saint of Circumstance
Sally Chew
Salt of the Earth
Sam Giancana
Sam Giancana (author)
Sam Kean
Sam Reese Sheppard
Sam Sheppard
Sam The Plumber
Sammy the Bull Gravano
Samuel G. Kling
Samuel Marx
Samuel Roen
Samuel Yochelson
San Francisco
San Francisco Murders
Sandra Bullock
Sandra S. Phillips
Sandy Fawkes
Sante and Kenny Kimes
Sara Tokars
Sarah Brady
Sarah Churchwell
Sarah Silverman
Sarah Vowell
Sarah Weinman
Sasha Abramsky
Satan's Circus
Satanic panic
Saturday Evening Post
Savage Grace
Savage Shadows
Scandals of Classic Hollywood
Science Against Crime
Scooter Libby
Scott Brick
Scott Carney
Scott Peterson
Scott Turow
Scoundrel Time
Scoundrels Fiends And Human Monsters
Scream At The Sky
Sean Flynn
Sean O’Driscoll
Seattle Sundries
Sebastian Junger
Secret Intelligence
Secrets Never Lie
Secrets of a Marine's Wife
Security Operations Management
Seduced by Evil
Selwyn Raab
Senatorial Privilege
Sentenced to Die
September Sacrifice
Sergio Lalli
Serial Killer 101
serial killers
Serial Killers And Psychopaths
Seth Kantor
Seth Rich
Seth Rogen
Seven Days Of Rage
Seven Million
Seventy Times Seven
Sewell Peaslee Wright
Sex Cult Nun
Sex Money and Murder in Daytona Beach
Sex Power & Murder
sex workers
Sexual Citizens
Sexual Violence
Shadow Of Cain
Shake The Devil Off
Shallow Grave In Trinity County
Shamus Khan
Shana Alexander
Shanann Watts
Shane Bauer
Shane McCrae
Shanna Hogan
Shannon Garrison
Sharon Rocha
Sharon Tate
Sharon Virts
Shattered Innocence Shattered Dreams
She Said Yes
She Wanted It All
Sheila Blackthorne Bellush
Sheila Isenberg
Sheila Johnson
Sheila LaBarre
Sheila Weller
Shelley Sessions
Sherrilyn A. Ifill
Shia LaBeouf
Shirley Frondorf
Shirley Harrison
Shock Magazine
Shocking Crimes
Shocking True Story
Shot In The Heart
Shot Stabbed and Poisoned
Sicilian Blood
Sidney Whipple
Sierra Crane Murdoch
Signature Killers
Silent Witness
Silicon Valley
Silvio Berlusconi
Similar Transactions
Simon Baatz
Sinedu Tanesse
Sins Of The Son
Sir Sydney Smith
Sirhan Sirhan
Sister Ping
Skip Hollandsworth
Sleep My Child Forever
Sleep My Darlings
Sleeper Agent
Sleeping with the Devil
smuggling and contraband
Snoop Dogg
So Innocent Yet So Dead
societal ills
Somebody's Husband Somebody's Son
Son of a Grifter
Son of Sam
Sonia Faleiro
Sonny Barger
South Africa
South Carolina
South Dakota
Special Agent
Special Delivery
Speed Demon
Spoken in Darkness
Spree Killers
Sqi Taylor
Square Mile Of Murder
St. Clair McKelway
Stacey Abrams
Stacey C. Koon
Stacey M. Kananen
Stacy Horn
Stacy Mattingly
staged suicides
Stalling for Time
Stanton E. Samenow
Starvation Heights
Stella Nickell
Stella Sands
Stephan Talty
Stephanie Bennett
Stephen Aris
Stephen Birmingham
Stephen Caracappa
Stephen Dunleavy
Stephen Fox
Stephen G. Michaud
Stephen H. Gettinger
Stephen J. Dubner
Stephen J. Rivele
Stephen King
Stephen Singular
Stephen Spender
Steve Hodel
Steve Jackson
Steve Lillebuen
Steve Miller
Steve Titus
Steve Vogel
Steve Wick
Steve Wynn
Steven Brill
Steven Chermak
Steven H. Gifis
Steven L. Davis
Steven Levingston
Steven Linakis
Steven Long
Steven M.L. Aronson
Steven Naifeh
Steven Walker
Still Unsolved
Stolen Innocence
Stories of Great Crimes & Trials
Strange Piece of Paradise
Strange Tales of Amazing Frauds
Sudden Fury
Suddenly Gone
Sue Klebold
Sue Russell
Sukhreet Gabel
Sunny Schwartz
Sunny Von Bülow
Survived By One
Susan Atkins
Susan Bennett
Susan Billig
Susan Crain Bakos
Susan Goreck
Susan Hightower
Susan McNicoll
Susan Nason
Susan Orlean
Susan Polk
Susan Reinert
Susan Schindehette
Suzanne Finstad
Suzy Spencer
Sylvan Fox
Sylvia Fraser
Sylvia Likens
T.J. English
Tad Friend
Taken From Home
Tangled Vines
Tania Head
Tanya Horeck
Target Blue
Tawana Brawley
Tears of Rage
Teasing Secrets from the Dead
Ted Addy
Ted Botha
Ted Bundy
Ted Conover
Ted Gerstein
Ted Kennedy
Ted Kennedy Profile of a Survivor
Ted Kennedy Triumphs and Tragedies
Ted Schwarz
Ten of the Best Short Stories
Terence Sharkey
Teresa Carpenter
Teresa Rodriguez
Terri Schiavo
Terror in the City of Champions
Terrorist Cop
Terry Ganey
Texas Monthly
Texas vs. Davis
Thalia Massie
Thao Nguyen
The "Dutch" Schultz Story
The 1788 Morristown Ghost Hoax
The 57 Bus
The A to Z Encyclopedia Of Serial Killers
The Adversary
The Airman and the Carpenter
The Alice Crimmins Case
The Amazing Crime and Trial of Leopold and Loeb
The Amish Wife
The Anatomy of Motive
The Angel Makers
The Art of Murder
The Assassin's Accomplice
The Assassination of Robert F. Kennedy
The Assassinations Of John And Robert Kennedy
The Assassins
the Atlanta child murders
the Axe-Man of New Orleans
The Baby Swap Conspiracy
The Babyface Killer
The Babymaker
The Badge
The Bandit Kings
The Barn
The Bay Ridge Mystery
The Beatle Bandit
The Beautiful Cigar Girl
The Bell Tower
The Best American Crime Reporting 2010
The Best of Court TV
The Betrayal
The Betrayal Of Anne Frank
The Big Con
The Big Policeman
The Black Dahlia
The Black Dahlia Files
The Black Donnellys
The Black Hand
The Bling Ring
The Blooding
The Blotter Presents
The Boardwalk Jungle
The Bobbitt Case
The Bobby Kennedy Nobody Knows
The Book Of Assassins
the Boston Strangler
The Brass Wall
The Bridge At Chappaquiddick
the Bridgewater Four
The Brothers Bulger
The California Crime Book
The Cannibal
the carceral complex
The Casebook of Forensic Detection
The Cases That Haunt Us
The Catch-Me Killer
The CBS Murders
the Cerak family
The Chappaquiddick Cover-Up
the Chicago Sun-Times
The Child Catchers
The Children of God
The Clinical Detective
the Clutter murders
The Cold Vanish
The Confessions of Henry Lee Lucas
The Confidence Men
The Corpse Had A Familiar Face
The Count and the Confession
The Court of Last Resort
The Court-Martial of Daniel Boone
The Crime of Dorothy Sheridan
The Crime Of Sheila McGough
The Crime of the Century
The Criminal Personality
The D.A.'s Man
The Damage Done
The Dangerous Assassins
The Darkest Places
The Dartmouth Murders
The Daughters of Juárez
The Day Kennedy Died
The Day Kennedy Was Shot
The Day Lincoln Was Shot
The Deadly Innocents
The Death Dealers
The Death of a President
The Death of Innocence
The Death Shift
The Defense Lawyer
The Defense Never Rests
The Detectives
The Devil in the White City
The Devil's Cinema
The Devil's Right Hand Man
The Diary of Jack the Ripper
The Disappearance Of Dr. Parkman
The Doctor The Murder The Mystery
The Doctor's Wife
The Doomsday Mother
The Door-To-Door Killer
The Dope
The Dreams of Ada
The Encyclopedia of American Crime
The Encyclopedia of Mass Murder
The Enforcer
The Evidence Never Lies
The Evidence Of Things Not Seen
The Evil Mother
The Executioner's Song
The Fabric Of Guilt
The Fact of a Body
The Falcon and the Snowman
The Fall of the House of Walworth
The Family Guide to Crime Prevention
The Family International
The FBI's Most Famous Cases
The Felon
The fine art of Robbery
The Finish
The Fish Is Red
The Flight of the Falcon
The Forever Witness
The Fourth Man
The French Quarter Killers
The Fugitive(s)
The Furies
The Gallows Pole
The Gang and the Establishment
The Gangs Of New York
The Gangster Chronicles
The Girl In The House Of Hate
The Girl on the Volkswagen Floor
The Girl with the Crooked Nose
The Godfather Papers
The Golden Thread
The Good Doctor
The Good Girls
The Good Nurse
The Good Son
The Gravedigger's Daughter
The Greatest Hoax on Earth
The Green Felt Jungle
the Hamptons
The Healer
The Heist
The Hillside Strangler
The House Of Kennedy
The Human Scale
The Hunting Of Cain
The Ice Man
The Icepick Surgeon
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