By Jay Robert Nash. The present, in this case, is 1980, but this is one of those battle-scarred library veterans -- in this case, of the El Dorado High School library -- whose own life as a crime victim might be a value-add? "WM" noted that some pages were torn out for the pictures, but I'm only seeing one ripped in the biblio section (see pics); the others appear intact.
But the HC, in library binding, has some speckles to the page edges, and the spine is starting to separate; there's a sticker on the spine, library stamps all over, and the spine is starting to separate towards the front of the book. So, it's not in great shape, BUT if you're one of those readers who enjoys imagining all the other people who read a book before you, where it's been, who it taught? This is a perfectly fine copy. Well, unless you really need p. 446.